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  1. Modules
  2. MOD-453

KJV - Are there too many strongMorph items in places?



      A w element in Neh.5.7 is marked with 3 strong: numbers in the lemma attribute but with 5 strongMorph items in the morph attribute!

      <w lemma="strong:H05375 strong:H05383 strong:H05378" morph="strongMorph:TH8802 strongMorph:TH8675 strongMorph:TH8802 strongMorph:TH8678 strongMorph:TH8801">unto them, Ye exact</w>

      Are there too many strongMorph: items here?

      It does seem likely, given that TH8802 appears twice.

      NB. There are also 132 other instances where a w element with 2 strong: numbers has 3 strongMorph: items!  These too should all be reviewed. 

      There are too many to list exhaustively in this issue. They can be found by searching for the following PCRE:

      "strongMorph:TH\d+( strongMorph:TH\d+){2,2}" 

      Given that lemma and morph attributes form parallel arrays, how can it ever be correct for there to be more items in the latter than in the former?

      cf. There are numerous instances where there are fewer in the latter than in the former, but this is not a technical concern for the markup.




            • Assignee:
              dmsmith DM Smith
              dfh David Haslam
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