Count SFM tag Description ----- -------- ----------- 00004 \+it Italics text style begin (nested) 00004 \+it* Italics text style end (nested) 00026 \+nd Name of deity begin (nested) 00026 \+nd* Name of deity end (nested) 00003 \+qt Quoted text begin (nested) 00003 \+qt* Quoted text end (nested) 00206 \+sc Small-cap text begin (nested) 00206 \+sc* Small-cap text end (nested) 00122 \+tl Transliterated (or foreign) word[s] begin (nested) 00122 \+tl* Transliterated (or foreign) word[s] end (nested) 02321 \b Line break in poetry (e.g. between stanzas) 00060 \bk Quoted book title begin 00060 \bk* Quoted book title end 01189 \c Chapter 00118 \d Descriptive title in Psalms 01643 \f Footnote element begin 01643 \f* Footnote element end 01423 \fq Footnote translation quotation 00133 \fqa Footnote alternate translation begin 00002 \fqa* Footnote alternate translation end 01636 \fr Footnote "origin" reference 01721 \ft Footnote text 00003 \fv Footnote verse number 00066 \h Running header 00066 \id Identification 00005 \io1 Introduction outline entry (level 1) 00001 \ip Introduction paragraph 00945 \li List item 00031 \li1 List item (level 1) 00003 \li2 List item (level 2) 00002 \li3 List item (level 3) 00001 \li4 List item (level 4) 00526 \m Flush left (margin) paragraph 00023 \mr Major section reference range 00027 \ms Major section 00027 \mt Major title 00039 \mt1 Major title (level 1) 00004 \nb No break with previous paragraph 06473 \nd Name of God (deity) begin 06473 \nd* Name of God (deity) end 08181 \p Paragraph 00003 \pc Centered paragraph 00097 \pi Indented paragraph 00025 \pi1 Indented paragraph (level 1) 00012 \pmr Embedded text refrain 10512 \q1 Poetic line (indent 1) 13182 \q2 Poetic line (indent 2) 00004 \q3 Poetic line (indent 3) 00032 \q4 Poetic line (indent 4) 00022 \qa Acrostic heading 00017 \qc Centered poetic line 00235 \qr Right-aligned poetic line 00074 \qs Selah (in poetry) begin 00074 \qs* Selah (in poetry) end 00776 \qt Quoted text begin 00776 \qt* Quoted text end 00602 \r Parallel passage reference[s] 00074 \rem Remark 00001 \s Section heading 02445 \s1 Section heading (level 1) 00142 \s2 Section heading (level 2) 00002 \s3 Section heading (level 3) 00111 \sp Speaker identification 00095 \tc1 Table cell in column 1 00144 \tc2 Table cell in column 2 00048 \tc3 Table cell in column 3 00012 \tc4 Table cell in column 4 00049 \tcr1 Right aligned table cell in column 1 00004 \tcr2 Right aligned table cell in column 2 00016 \tcr3 Right aligned table cell in column 3 00011 \th1 Table heading for column 1 00011 \th2 Table heading for column 2 00005 \th3 Table heading for column 3 00001 \thr1 Right aligned table heading for column 1 00001 \thr2 Right aligned table heading for column 1 00021 \tl Transliterated (or foreign) word[s] begin 00021 \tl* Transliterated (or foreign) word[s] end 00066 \toc1 Table of contents 1 00066 \toc2 Table of contents 2 00066 \toc3 Table of contents 3 00160 \tr Table row start 30764 \v Verse 01201 \x Cross reference element begin 01201 \x* Cross reference element end 01244 \xo Cross reference "origin" reference 01244 \xt Cross reference target reference[s]